Yi Wang
Computational alloy design of Sr-modified A356 alloys by computational thermodynamics, machine learning and their combination
Abstract: 1-abstract_CALPHAD_2021_Wang_Yi_Submitted.docx
Poster: 2_Poster_CALPHAD_2021_Wang_Yi_Submitted.pdf
Video: Video_CALPHAD_2021_Wang_Yi_Submitted.mp4

Main category: CALPHAD Applications in Materials Design, Advanced Manufacturing, Recycling, Disposal, ...

Liu Guangchen
Integration of computational thermodynamics and machine learning for efficient development of “alloy supermarket” in Sc-modified Al-Si-Mg casting alloys
Abstract: Abstract_CALPHAD_2020_Guangchen_Liu.docx
Poster: Calphad_poster_v3.0_output.pdf
Video: Video_Intro.mp4

Main category: CALPHAD Applications in Materials Design, Advanced Manufacturing, Recycling, Disposal, ...

Xiaojing Li
Investigation on the corrosion resistance of the Mg-10Al-xMn alloys based on thermodynamic calculations
Abstract: Abstract_CALPHAD_2021_Xiaojing_Li.docx
Poster: Poster_CALPHAD_2021_Xiaojing_Li.pdf
Video: Video_CALPHAD_2021_Xiaojing_Li.mp4

Main category: CALPHAD Applications in Materials Design, Advanced Manufacturing, Recycling, Disposal, ...

Xin Wang
CALPHAD-based Alloy Design and Uncertainty Quantification for Additive Manufacturing
Abstract: Abstract_CALPHAD_2021_Wang_Xin.docx
Poster: Poster_CALPHAD_2021_Wang_Xin.pdf
Video: CALPHAD_poster_video.mp4

Main category: CALPHAD Applications in Materials Design, Advanced Manufacturing, Recycling, Disposal, ...

Jing Tan
Thermal conductivities of YT5(85WC-5TiC-10Co) and YT15(79WC-15TiC-6Co) cemented carbides
Abstract: Abstract_CALPHAD_2021_Jing_Tan.docx
Poster: Poster_CALPHAD_2021_Jing_Tan.pdf
Video: Video_CALPHAD_2021_Tan_Jing-20210429.mp4

Main category: CALPHAD Applications in Materials Design, Advanced Manufacturing, Recycling, Disposal, ...

Yunhao Zhao
Process-Structure-Property Relationships of Inconel 718 Produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Abstract: Abstract_CALPHAD_2021_Zhao_Yunhao.docx
Poster: 2021_CALPHAD_Poster_v1_YZ.pdf
Video: 2021_CALPHAD_Poster_v1_YZ.mp4

Main category: CALPHAD Applications in Materials Design, Advanced Manufacturing, Recycling, Disposal, ...

Zhenghui Zheng
Effect of WC on gradient structure of vacuum sintered Ti(C,N)-WC-Ni cermets
Abstract: Abstract_CALPHAD_2021_Zhenghui Zheng_LM20210415.docx
Poster: Poster_zhengzhenghui_20210428.pdf
Video: Poster-introduction-Zhenghui Zheng.mp4

Main category: CALPHAD Applications in Materials Design, Advanced Manufacturing, Recycling, Disposal, ...

Lu Wang
Crystalline-to-amorphous structure transitions in TiNbN coatings during short-time oxidation
Abstract: Abstract_CALPHAD_2021_Lu_Wang.docx
Poster: Poster_wanglu.pdf
Video: Poster-wanglu.mp4

Main category: CALPHAD Applications in Materials Design, Advanced Manufacturing, Recycling, Disposal, ...

Xiaolong Chen
Effect of yttrium content on high temperature oxidation resistance of Fe-Ni alloys
Abstract: Abstract_CALPHAD_2021_XiaoLong_Chen_LM20210423.docx
Poster: Poster-Chenxiaolong_20210428.pdf
Video: meeting_03_Trim_Trim.mp4

Main category: CALPHAD Applications in Materials Design, Advanced Manufacturing, Recycling, Disposal, ...

Chengcheng Zhan
Si incorporation induced crystalline-to-amorphous structural transformation in NbTiZr refractory medium-entropy alloy coatings with enhanced mechanical properties
Abstract: Abstract_CALPHAD_2021_Chengcheng_Zhan.docx
Poster: archivetempPoster-zhanchengcheng.pdf
Video: video.mp4

Main category: CALPHAD Applications in Materials Design, Advanced Manufacturing, Recycling, Disposal, ...

Yuan Yuan
Exploring U3Si2-based alloys through phase diagram investigations
Abstract: Abstract_CALPHAD_2021_Yuan .docx
Poster: .archivetempPoster-yuanyuan.pdf
Video: Yuan Yuan_CALPHAD video.mp4

Main category: CALPHAD Applications in Materials Design, Advanced Manufacturing, Recycling, Disposal, ...

Yicheng Zhang
Nano-scale phase separation in Fe20Co20Ni20Cr20B20-xSix rapidly solidified ribbons
Abstract: Abstract_CALPHAD_2020_Zhang_Yicheng.docx
Poster: Poster_CALPHAD_Zhang_Yicheng.pdf
Video: Calphad global yicheng zhang.mp4

Main category: CALPHAD Applications in Materials Design, Advanced Manufacturing, Recycling, Disposal, ...

Liao Yu
Microstructural strengthening and toughening mechanisms in Fe-containing Ti6Al4V
Abstract: Abstract_CALPHAD_2021_yu_liao.docx
Poster: Poster_CALPHAD_2021_yu_liao.docx.pdf
Video: V10430-214848.mp4

Main category: CALPHAD Applications in Materials Design, Advanced Manufacturing, Recycling, Disposal, ...

Rafael Rodriguez
ICME Design of a High Strength Low-Alloy (HSLA) Steel Strengthened with Fe2SiTi Heusler Precipitates.
Abstract: RafaelRodriguez_CALPHAD_Conference_Abstract_and_info.docx
Poster: RafaelRodriguez_CALPHAD_Conference_Poster.pdf
Video: RafaelRodriguez_CALPHAD_Conference_Poster_Presentation.mp4

Main category: CALPHAD Applications in Materials Design, Advanced Manufacturing, Recycling, Disposal, ...

LeiLei Chen
New thermodynamic interpretation of T0 curves in glass forming alloys
Abstract: Abstract_CALPHAD_2021_Leilei_Chen-sub.docx
Poster: Poster-chenleilei_20210428.pdf
Video: meeting_0.mp4

Main category: CALPHAD Applications in Materials Design, Advanced Manufacturing, Recycling, Disposal, ...

Jiawei Liu
Bi–Sn–Sb alloys as anode materials for magnesium ion batteries
Abstract: abstract-Calphad-.docx
Poster: Calphad -BiSnSb-.pdf

Main category: CALPHAD Applications in Materials Design, Advanced Manufacturing, Recycling, Disposal, ...

Varun Shrotri
Using Geometric Model to predict the density of a quaternary nitrate salt system
Abstract: Abstract_CALPHAD_2021.docx
Poster: Poster_conference_Calphad.pdf

Main category: CALPHAD Applications in Materials Design, Advanced Manufacturing, Recycling, Disposal, ...