Xingyu Xiao
Insight on dissolution mechanism of irregular second phase in as-cast metal alloys via a novel data-driven dissolution model
Abstract: Abstract_CALPHAD_2021_Xiao_Xingyu.docx
Poster: Poster_Xiao_Xingyu.pdf
Video: video_CALPHAD_Xiao_Xingyu.mp4

Main category: Modelling of Diffusion and Phase Transformations

Liang Zhong
Diffusivities and atomic mobilities in the Ni-rich fcc Ni–Al–Cu alloys
Abstract: 12-Abstract_CALPHAD_2020_Zhong_Liang-20210429.docx
Poster: Poster_CALPHAD_2020_Zhong_Liang.pdf
Video: Vedio_CALPHAD_2020_Zhong_Liang.mp4

Main category: Modelling of Diffusion and Phase Transformations

Luara Morais
Study of TiC influence in particle growth of NbC-Ni cemented carbide using DICTRA® simulations.
Abstract: Abstract_CALPHAD_2021_LCM_RM_FBN_rev.01.docx
Poster: final_poster_CalPhad2021_LCM_RM_FBN.pdf
Video: Calphad2021.mp4

Main category: Modelling of Diffusion and Phase Transformations

Rayanne Araujo Andrade
Sigma Phase CCT Diagrams for Duplex Stainless Steel obtained using DICTRA®
Abstract: Abstract_CALPHAD_2021_Andrade_RayanneAraujo.docx
Poster: poster_CALPHAD_2021_Andrade_RayanneAraujo.pdf
Video: video_CALPHAD_2021_Andrade_RayanneAraujo.mp4

Main category: Modelling of Diffusion and Phase Transformations

Renata Caroline Mota Santos
DICTRA® phase transformation study in AISI 442 used in steel mills heat exchangers
Abstract: Abstract_CALPHAD_RCMS.docx
Poster: CALPHAD_ Renata Caroline Mota Santos.pdf

Main category: Modelling of Diffusion and Phase Transformations

Sa Ma
A novel analytical approach to describe the simultaneous diffusional growth of multilayer stoichiometric compounds in binary reactive diffusion couples
Abstract: Abstract_CALPHAD_2021_Ma_Sa.docx
Poster: Poster_CALPHAD_2021_Ma_Sa.pdf
Video: Video_CALPHAD_2021_Ma_Sa.mp4

Main category: Modelling of Diffusion and Phase Transformations

Qiang Tang
Anisotropic atomic mobilities of hcp Zr(O) solid solution and their application in description of early-stage oxidation process of pure Zr
Abstract: Abstract_CALPHAD_2021_Tang_Qiang.docx
Poster: Poster_CALPHAD_2021_Tang_Qiang.pdf
Video: Video_CALPHAD_2021_Tang_Qiang.mp4

Main category: Modelling of Diffusion and Phase Transformations

Xiong Shuai
The effects of lattice misfit on grain boundary phase transformation
Abstract: 6-Abstract_CALPHAD_2021_Xiong_Shuai-20210429.docx
Poster: Poster_CALPHAD_2021_Xiong_Shuai-20210429.pdf
Video: meeting_02.mp4

Main category: Modelling of Diffusion and Phase Transformations

Shenglan Yang
On Ni coarsening in Ni-yttria stabilized zirconia electrodes: Three-dimensional multi-phase-field simulation supported by key experiments
Abstract: Abstract_CALPHAD_2021_Yang_Shenglan.docx
Poster: Poster_CALPHAD_2021_Shenglan_Yang.pdf
Video: Video_CALPHAD_2021_Shenglan_Yang.mp4

Main category: Modelling of Diffusion and Phase Transformations

Maryam Kazemzadeh-Atoufi
Simulation of Carburization of a Ni-Cr-Fe based high-temperature austenitic alloy and Nucleation of Austenite at the Carbide Transition Front
Abstract: Abstract_CALPHAD_2021_Kazemzadeh-Atoufi_Maryam.docx

Main category: Modelling of Diffusion and Phase Transformations

Sara Busolini
Extracting solidification features of special steels with a combination of Calphad software and a general purpose software for peak fitting
Abstract: Abstract_CALPHAD_2020_Busolini_Sara.docx
Poster: Poster_SBusolini-LTiralongo.pdf
Video: Video_SBusolini.mp4

Main category: Modelling of Diffusion and Phase Transformations

Noah Sargent
Integration of Processing and Microstructure Models for Non-equilibrium Solidification in Additive Manufacturing
Abstract: CALPHAD_Global_Abstract.docx
Poster: CALPHAD_Global.pdf
Video: CALPHAD_Global_presentation.mp4

Main category: Modelling of Diffusion and Phase Transformations

Wenxuan Wang
Theoretical Study on Martensitic-type Transformation of Rutile, Columbite, and Baddeleyite Phase of TiO2
Abstract: Abstract.docx
Poster: poster.pdf
Video: poster-video.mp4

Main category: Modelling of Diffusion and Phase Transformations

Tongdi Zhang
Diffusivities and atomic mobilities in α-Y(O) and α-Y2O3 and their applications to oxidation of pure α-Y during the initial stage
Abstract: Abstract_CALPHAD_2021_Zhang_Tongdi.docx
Poster: Poster_CALPHAD_2020_Zhang_Tongdi.pdf
Video: Video_CALPHAD_2020_Zhang_Tongdi.mp4

Main category: Modelling of Diffusion and Phase Transformations

Hong Mao

Strain-induced grain boundary migration and grain rotation in polycrystalline metals: atomic-and meso-scale phase field simulations
Abstract: 4-Abstract_CALPHAD_2021_Hong_Mao-20210429.docx
Poster: 4-Poster_CALPHAD_2021_Hong_Mao-20210429.pdf

Main category: Modelling of Diffusion and Phase Transformations